
陈业婷, 李彩凤*, 赵丽影, 越鹏, 王园园, 滕祥勇, 王南博
东北农业大学农学院, 哈尔滨150030

通信作者:李彩凤;E-mail: licaifeng1965@yahoo.com.cn;Tel: 0451-55190854

摘 要:

为了探讨甜菜耐盐机理、不同耐盐等级甜菜盐耐性机制差异, 对40 份甜菜品种(系)用300 mmol•L-1 NaCl胁迫处理, 通 过芽期相对盐害率和苗期盐害指数确定不同品种耐盐等级, 将不同耐盐等级材料进行 NaCl 浓度梯度(150、300 mmol•L-1) 处理, 测定植株鲜重、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量和叶片质膜透性。试验结果如下: 40 份甜菜材料经 过芽期和苗期耐盐性筛选最终确定耐盐等级极强的品种(系) 1 份(‘KWS0143’), 耐盐等级强的品种(系) 6 份(‘ACERO’ 等), 耐盐等级中等的品种(系) 14份(‘HI0183’等), 耐盐等级弱的品种(系) 5份(‘OVITO’等); 在同一盐胁迫时间下, 不同耐盐等级 材料的植株鲜重随盐浓度的增加呈下降趋势, 品种 ‘KWS0143’ 和 ‘ACERO’ 变化幅度较小, 品种 ‘OVATIO’ 下降幅度最大; 不同耐盐等级材料随盐浓度增加和胁迫时间延长超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性呈现先上升而后下降的趋势, 耐盐性极强的品 种酶活性显著高于其他耐盐等级材料; 不同耐盐等级材料随盐浓度增加和胁迫时间延长丙二醛(MDA)含量和叶片质膜透 性均呈上升趋势, 耐盐等级弱的品种(系)明显高于其他各个材料。

关键词:甜菜; 相对盐害率; 盐害指数; 生理生化指标

收稿:2010-06-13   修定:2010-09-08


Screening of Salinity Tolerance and Response of Seedling to Salt Stress in Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

CHEN Ye-Ting, LI Cai-Feng*, ZHAO Li-Ying, YUE Peng, WANG Yuan-Yuan, TENG Xiang-Yong, WANG Nan-Bo
Agricultural College, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China

Corresponding author: LI Cai-Feng; E-mail: licaifeng1965@yahoo.com.cn; Tel: 0451-55190854


To study the salt-tolerance mechanism and differences of salt-tolerant mechanism in every salt injury-tolerance, forty sugar beet varieties were used in this study. Hoagland solution culture method was applied to investigate the fresh weight, the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), the content of MDA and leaf plasma-membrane permeability. The results showed that ‘KWS0143’ had the best salt-tolerance; six varieties had high salt-tolerance, including ‘ACERO’; fourteen kinds of materials including ‘HI0183’ had the moderate salt-tolerance; while five kinds of materials including ‘OVITO’ had lower salt-tolerance in the shoot and seedling among forty sugar beet varieties. In the same stress periods, the seedling fresh weight of various materials was decreasing with the salt concentration increasing, however ‘KWS0143’ and ‘ACERO’ materials decreased more slowly than other salt-sensitive materials. SOD activity of varieties with different salt-tolerant grades increased primary stage and then decreased with the concentration and duration of NaCl stress increasing, and the highest salt-tolerant grade varieties had the largest SOD activity. MDA content and leaf plasma-membrane permeability in varieties with different salt-tolerant grade elevated with the increase of concentration and duration of NaCl stress. The lower salt-tolerant grade varieties, such as ‘OVATIO’ significantly had more obvious change than the other ones.

Key words: sugar beet; relative salt-harmed; salt-harmed index; physiological and biochemical indicator

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